Hi, My name is Devon, I’m from Texas and my favorite hobby is to play video games. I also like sports, such as, basketball, football, track, and field. My favorite thing to do outside the house, other than sports, is to ride bikes and four-wheelers, especially with friends. Some things I like to do inside the house is play indoor basketball, pool, and ,of course, video games. My favorite type of genre of video games is first person shooter. I dominate in games such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops, all the newer Halo games, and etc. I like almost all types of genres, though. Fighting, racing, shooting, adventure, and strategy. Well now u know a little something about me, I hope u will tell me a few things about yourself. BYE!
G’day Devon. I enjoy reading you post. I also love playing halo. COD MW3 is awesome. Good job on this post. What is your favorite video game.
Dear Devon,
Great post you have a lot of details like listing out the kind of games you like, and you tell a bunch about yourself. you used great words too. I also love sports. you could have told a little more about sports, and maybe talk about school a little. What is your favorite game?